Carrie Bradshaw - The It Girl Of The Century

Carrie, Carrie, Carrie…where do we begin? A great place to start is with our infatuation with Sex and the City. Between the two of us, we must have rewatched it over a dozen times to the point of memorizing every line and scene as though it was required of us. Our deep rooted adoration for the pieces Carrie so brilliantly wore throughout all chapters of her life are a massive influence on us here at Gimi Rarity.

Our admiration for Carrie’s character, wardrobe and outfit curation played a pivotal part while creating our collection. Everything Carrie was and continues to evolve into is the very meaning of an icon. While the series might have come to an end, Carrie Bradshaw will forever live on through Gimi Rarity.

If you are an avid SATC, you would undoubtedly recognize Carrie’s iconic registry shoes. (If not, you need to do some studying and then report back to us)

The universe was feeling very generous and blessed us with our very own pair of these prized heels. We were over the moon the day that we secured them.

The day we found them, we genuinely contemplated keeping them for ourselves. Fortunately for you all, but unfortunately for us, that’s not the responsible decision to make here. They have been adored, photographed and are currently sitting pretty on our website waiting to be scooped up by one of you lucky ladies.

If you are a size 39…happy shopping.

Sex and The City: Season 6A, Episode 9: A Woman's Right to Shoes


Two Minds Alike: The Brains Behind Gimi Rarity