Two Minds Alike: The Brains Behind Gimi Rarity

Divulging our inner dialogues on all things, fashion, business, trends and more.

Let’s dive right in.

What better way to get to know two founders of a brand then for us to divulge all of our inner dialogues? It’s risqué but seems so necessary for two people who are still getting comfortable with the idea of sharing themselves so transparently via social media.

I mean, I think we all know what we’re talking about. Social media has made us all unapologetically nosy to the point where people could really care less about the product, and want to know more about the people behind the brand. So, here we are.

A few things we’ve been grappling with.

The two of us could probably talk anyone’s ears off. We have absolutely no problem diving into any and all topics - maybe even some that should be kept private (points if you add a glass of wine into the equation). So why does getting behind the camera seem like the biggest mountain to climb? Well, if you’ve been keeping up with our social platforms, we are really honing in on this whole reel/TikTok movement as we know what a powerful tool it is nowadays to build awareness around a brand - so give us a little credit there. But it truly seems like such a daunting task at times. If we have learned anything since starting this business a few months ago, it’s that getting out of your comfort zone is everything.

Another challenge for us has been organic social media growth. We both have experience in managing social platforms for other brands, but to start your own business from scratch has proved to be incredibly challenging. Not that we didn’t expect it — but it is definitely shocking. We have so much passion behind our products and all of the content we push out, and truthfully we just need to find the right audience to make it all click. This might sound totally self explanatory to some, but we’re just being HONEST HERE!


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