Spring has sprung, and guess what? You don’t need to buy anything new.

Groundbreaking Concept, we know.

We are in the inevitable transition from sweaters and heavy denim to cotton tees and wispy skirts. Cue the “I need to buy every pastel clothing item in sight” craze. We are here to tell you: it’s just not necessary. And truly not worth it.

What is worth it: investing in multiple season-friendly basics that will carry throughout your wardrobe year round.

Soft cotton tees, worked in denim, versatile (non-clinging) skirts, a light sweater to toss on the shoulders and a trusted pair of vintage sunnies. Oh, and some vintage kitten heels, of course.

If you have at least a few of these pieces in your closet, trust us when we say, you don’t need to shop for a spring wardrobe.

But are you allowed to purchase 1 or 2 statement pieces to add a little spice to your staple items? Duh. Maybe a new tote, a pair of ballet flats, a vibrant cashmere cardigan…The choice is yours (as you can see I am torn as well).

Don’t listen to the masses. Don’t follow the seasonal “trends”. Do invest in some solid basics and splurge on a special statement item now and again.

*If you need help deciding what special statement item to splurge on, we are happy to help here*

xx Gillian


What is a kitten heel v. a mid-height heel?


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